For Parents

Download the Parent Handbook

Letter from Our Director

Dear Parents,

It is with great joy that I welcome you as we celebrate the 72nd year of this ministry! Please find in this handbook information regarding the schedules and operation of our programs. Among the following pages, however, nothing conveys the excitement and enthusiasm of our staff as we welcome you to Shandon. We are very pleased you have chosen to include us in the life of your child and family and we look forward to sharing in that journey!

Recognizing that each child is an individual with unique gifts, our staff strives to provide hands-on experiences of learning and playing within a Christian environment while also fostering a sense of community. To assist us in this endeavor, we encourage you to participate in your child’s life at school as well as share with us the important experiences of your child outside of this environment. Only through a cooperative effort with you are we able to provide the nurturing environment and valuable learning experiences for your child.

Again, allow me to express my excitement as I anticipate our time together during the upcoming school year. Needless to say, if you have questions or concerns regarding your child or our program, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Carla Graf

Letter from our Parent’s Council

Dear Shandon Parents,

We are so excited for another wonderful year at Shandon Methodist Preschool and Kindergarten!  I look forward to working with all of you and getting to know you and your families over the upcoming school year.  I especially want to welcome all of the new families; this is such a special school and we are thrilled to have you here.

Parents’ Council is a volunteer organization that helps raise money with various events throughout the school year.  We are fortunate to have a very active organization and I encourage all parents to participate.  The Parents’ Council works hard to raise money that goes directly back into the school and classrooms and we have many opportunities available for you to be involved.  Shandon is an amazing preschool and I know it will only get better with your help!

I am excited to be serving as your Parents’ Council President and I am thrilled that Nikki Hood will continue to serve as our treasurer and will also take on the role of President Elect.  I look forward to working with all of you this school year and I am always here if you need anything.  If you have any questions about the preschool, volunteer opportunities, or the upcoming school year, please feel free to call me at (864)320-1497 or email me at


Lauren Summers

SUMPK Parents’ Council President